Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Ha! Suck on THAT John David POSER.

Just as I had hoped, Salinger is refusing to sit idly by and allow my beloved Holden to be completely defiled by this John David California asshat. He's filed suit in Federal Court, and, if you're even slightly interested in the legal process (as I am, despite working as a paralegal, which you would think would've beat all interest in the legal process outta me by now) you can read the complaint here. There's also a good article and interview with a copyright attorney here.

Seriously, how much do I want to work at the firm representing Salinger? HOW AWESOME WOULD THAT BE? I mean, the Complaint talks in length about Catcher in the Rye, describes Holden, discusses the importance of the novel, and even uses direct quotes. How stoked was the paralegal who did THAT research. You know what I did today? I researched the California Rules of Court for a boring ass demurrer today. THAT IS SO BORING IN COMPARISON.