Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Collection-Gioia Diliberto

Can we all just take a moment to marvel over this cover? Seriously, It's gorgeous. Sadly, for me this book didn't live up to either the cover or the description.

From Amazon: Following the death of her fiancé and family, fictitious 22-year-old seamstress Isabelle Varlet leaves her provincial town in 1919 and takes a low-level job working for Gabrielle Coco Chanel, joining a gaggle of young women sewing until their fingers bleed to serve Mademoiselle in preparation for the upcoming fall collection. Considering how obsessed I am with all things Chanel, you can understand how excited I was to read this novel.

I never really became invested in Isabelle's story, and it's never a good thing when you don't really care about what happens to the main character. The highlights were definitely the bits discussing the creation of the clothes, and any page on which Chanel appeared.
I wouldn't say this is a bad book, but it didn't live up to my admittedly high expectations.