Thursday, July 2, 2009

Mess With the Salinger, You Get the Cease and Desist

Oh happy day! Not that I was really worried or anything (ok, maybe just a teensy bit) but a U.S. District judge has ruled that the odious "Coming Through The Rye" can not be published in the U.S.

In her ruling, Judge Deborah Batts wrote that J.D. California's (real name Fredrik Colting) claim that he wrote the book to "critically examine" the character of Holden Caulfield was "problematic and lacks credibility." No objections there.

Colting's attorney is "saddened" by the verdict, apparently on the basis that "members of the public will be deprived of the chance to read the book and decide for themselves whether it adds to their understanding of Salinger and his work." HA! Deprived? No deprivation here, buddy.

One of Salinger's lawyers, Marcia Beth Paul declined to comment on the decision. Wise move Ms. Paul. I'm sure she felt like getting all up in Colting's grille and yelling "in your FACE you two bit HACK!" But comments like that aren't widely believed to be "professional" or whatever. Nice restraint.

I think it's pretty fitting that this decision comes down just before Independence Day. Now I can enjoy my long weekend, free from the tyranny of bad writing and ill advised sequels.